Sunday, May 22, 2011

Burger Delight & More!

We have, this spring, found a dinner that all three children can agree on. Not QUITE a miracle, as there are a number of foods they all like.... but still quite amazing as there are few meals they really enjoy!

My children love hamburgers! Bentley doesn't eat the bun with the burger, but he does eat both. Which is fine with me, as on some days I am the same way! Jake sometimes eats the burger all put together, and sometimes in pieces. Viva? She enjoys the full experience. It looks a little ridiculous as the burger is huge by the time she puts everything on it... and her mouth is little... but she makes it work!

She normally makes it halfway through the burger. But a few days ago she impressed us all and made it ALL the way through a big burger. Impressive for a 30 lb toddler, right?

Here she is, almost done with it:

Cute kid, but she took exception to having her picture taken while eating. It's tough to live with so many cameras always following you. :-)

Even more impressive than her burger? I told her she could have some extra chips when she was done with it, and she held me to it. I left her at the table with the chips and dip. She dug in, and when I came back to check on her I saw this:

In case you can't tell, that's Viva with her spoon and the dip container. She ate her chips up and then decided to finish off the sour cream dip by the spoonful. Yuuuuum!

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