Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jake: the cherubic and terrifying one

If you were to scroll back through recent blog posts, a disturbing lack of Jake may come to your attention. Why is that? Well... I like to focus on the positive. And Jake has been having a rough week or two. My theory is that he realized his birthday is FAST approaching and he never fully explored the terrible threes, which seemed a shame to him since he wasn't very good at being a terrible two either. So he wanted to give it a go!

Here he is at the playground - isn't he cute? He wanted the big red swing chair and didn't want to wait. So he threw himself down on the rocks to wail. His older brother handed the chair over (sweet, yes... teaching him? no!).

I love this kid. He can be SO sweet! And he gives the best hugs. But when he gets upset, he can go a little ballistic. You know... the type of three year old in need of some anger management training. I'm sure you've met at least one like him! Last week I checked out three new books on parenting boys from the library. We'll see if they bring wisdom!

The sad part is you can see the melt downs coming. But you can't always avoid them. It starts with a question or a demand, at the end of which he says "yes? YES? YES?" (his sales technique to ensure buy in for his plan - he's going to do well in sales when he's older!). Sometimes, being the adult & parent, I say "no, Jake" instead of the wanted "yes". And then... 10, 20, 30 minutes later... well. He has a hard time recovering.

He does a GREAT job of being a terrifying three year old. I've tried to tell him he's defintely a winner at it and can move on, but he's having none of that. So maybe on Sunday we'll move into the fabulous fours?

To be fair... he is sweet a good amount of the time. It's just that like the little girl with the little curl in the middle of her forehead... when he rages it is amazing! He is so full of passion! He can stomp his feet and wail like a pro (something neither Bentley or Viva have ever attempted, so I am still amused by it)!

But to document the other sides of Jake, here are a few cute things I love lately about him:

1) he carries around his scriptures and asks us to read to him from them. he does this multiple times a day! he is seeking solace and a calm center from the Lord, perhaps?! :-)
2) on the subject of God, he is also ALWAYS eager to say the prayers. we have to remind him he can't pray WHILE other people are!
3) cute phrases he uses: "I certainly can!", "I am THAT clever!" "Oh yes I will!" - all said with appropriate amounts of attiude, of course
4) he is a quick helper - if I ask him to run and grab me something he's off like a bullet and does it!
5) he naps! okay - not a "cute thing", but certainly something I appreciate. this child needs his naps. they make him happy. and I am a fan of children that nap, so it's a win-win
5) last, but not least, he gives great big hugs. you can't beat that!

1 comment:

McEwans Doins said...

I hope his fours are better than his threes too. Since you mentioned parenting books in your post I was wondering if you had read "Positive Parenting" There's several editions, including one for toddlers. I haven't read it yet, but my best friend here in Tx has and it has helped her deal with her very stubborn, headstrong, loud, and overall challenging kids. Which are 4,2, and 9 mnths. Anyways good luck to ya!!