Friday, November 18, 2011

Faked Photo of Real Life

Not the best photo (taken on Kara's iPhone not opa's fancy camera), but it was a cool moment we tried to capture. Bentley got out a word game and the twins joined him in play. We scooted Lincoln over so he could watch. I told Kara to click a photo, but her iPhone was upstairs. By the time she retrieved it, Jake was in the bathroom and then he was belligerent about getting a photo taken. He sat on the game board. *sigh* So while this photo gives you some idea of the moment, it did not actually capture the true moment of sibling bonding.

It's not easy to convey what life is like living with four children five and under. There are many wonderful moments. And many loud moments. And many moments when we are just one step ahead of anarchy.

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