Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy 4 months, Lincoln!

Today marks 4 months old for baby! At his Dr.'s appt last week he clocked in at almost 16 lbs, which is pretty impressize for a baby from our family... :) AND - he managed to do this despite very poor eating habits. Amazing.

Lincoln likes... people. All people including himself. He spent 10 minutes tonight smiling and talking to himself (over my shoulder) in the mirror. Funny kid!

Lincoln is... very grabby! He still has some wild arm flayling, but he can grab onto things and hold them tight. His brother gave him a sword to hold today, but as soon as he drooled on it Bentley wanted it back. And Lincoln wouldn't give it back. I was told to intervene, and after I extracted the sword from Lincoln's grasp his older brother gave him a lecture. I believe he was told he wasn't going to get to hold the sword again for a very very long time because he drooled on it. Oops!

Lincoln does not like... eating. Ah well. At least I've been down this road before!

Lincoln's newest trick is... sitting! He has figured out he has to use his hands, at his sides, to keep himself upright. He started perfecting this the day after his Dr.'s appt, when the Dr. informed him that sitting is skill neurologically unavailable to babies until about 6 months of age. Lincoln wanted to prove him wrong. :)

And that's the highlight reel on our favorite gorgeous huggalicious little guy! We're so happy to have him!

A few pictures, of course.

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