Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chess: Jake & Viva

I was sitting at the computer on Monday getting ready to place yet one more last minute online Christmas gift order when I overheard this conversation between Jake and Viva. Jake, as I mentioned a few posts ago, is learning chess from the iPad, Bentley, and opa. He has now taken on a (reluctant!) student of his own. I did not record the entire conversation between the two. I don't type fast enough. Here is what I did get:

J: I know exactly how to win
J: Viva move your horse to there.

J: No Viva! You are doing it wrong. I did not say to do that.
J: You are going to lose.
V: Just get away I want to win how I want to win.
J: You can't win.

J: Next time, I'll show you how to win.
J: Bishops can only go diagonally.
J: Next time I play chess you have to watch me.
V: I don't like to watch.

J: Viva, you need to move your rook right there.
V: Where?
J: Take his rook!
J: Take the queen.
J: Ha! I told you a good move.
J: Now get him right there. In check.

J: If you get a pawn all the way over without getting eaten, you get a queen.
V: We got less. They got more.
V: I want to take a king with a rook.
J: You can move that rook up to there.
V: I told you it doesn't work well.
J: Viva is not going to win. (Jake is talking to me now.)

V: That one is in line with his brother.
J: That is not his brother.
V: Mine turned black. (Huh?)

J: Viva you cannot get a queen with a rook.
J: Pawns only can get queens. (My interpretation: You cannot turn a rook into a queen like you can a pawn.)

Viva lost the game. Jake says she is never going to win a game--unless, of course, she takes advice from him. Viva isn't as teachable as her brothers. She prefers to do things herself in her own way. Once she does learn the game of chess I'm sure she will be a formidable opponent as she will be totally unpredictable.

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