Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sad Baby, Happy Baby

We try to make Lincoln's life a happy one, but sometimes he feels neglected. He is forced to spend time on the floor. It sounds cruel, but how else will he learn to crawl and walk and run? How else will he catch up to his siblings? We are cruel to be kind.

When we leave him too long on the floor, he lets us know that he doesn't like it. AT ALL. He can grouse really loudly.

Mostly he likes being held. He's only four months old. He should be held. If only those siblings didn't suck up so much time from mommy and grandma. Why do they need breakfast? Why do they get games played with them? Why do they get reading time? Why do they get to make ornaments with grandma? Why do they need dinner? Why do they get a bedtime routine? Why does mommy do laundry so often? Why does mommy bake? Why does mommy take showers? Why does grandma leave to exercise? Why am I not the center of the universe like my brother Bentley was when he was my age?! I should be!

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