Thursday, August 02, 2012

August = Rain

It's August in Anchorage and that means rain. We had lots of rain on the first of August (yesterday) and a little more today. Everything is green, green, green and WET. The mushrooms are thriving. The children not so much. They are getting stir crazy. They hauled the play tunnels up from the lowest floor and used them as bridges from the couch to the ottoman. I told them it wouldn't work since the tunnels are flimsy cloth, but they said I was wrong. They'd already used them that way. They stuck two couch cushions underneath the tunnel and maneuvered their way across.

A short time later the Jedi robes and light sabers appeared.

When I went down to check on the trio before I went out to make copies for Kara while the baby was napping, they were on the lowest floor doing "challenges". I've seen some of their challenges before, so I told them they had to stop since I was leaving the house and if someone got hurt it'd be a while before anyone could come help them. Great-grandma doesn't move very fast and Kara isn't supposed to be moving. I suggested they do a couple of puzzles while I was gone.

Later in the afternoon I found the trio downstairs in the back guestroom closet clambering all over stuff they had no business climbing on. I asked whose idea that was and the boys said it was Viva. I figured as much. The boys tend to be rule followers unless, of course, their sister is having too much fun breaking the rules. Although technically there wasn't a rule in place about climbing around in that closet. There is now.

After dinner the boys went outside with their dad to play ball and Viva went mushroom hunting with opa. I stayed inside with Lincoln until the last few minutes when I took pity on him and took him out. He likes to play ball with his brothers and dad.

I'm not sure how much rainy weather I and the house can handle.

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