Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Few Words From the Photographer

The Toddling Trio's photographer feels like summer is wearing him down. The last few weeks have been busy with numerous house guests, yard work, painting, shelf building and trying to find time to take pictures of the kidlets. I must admit that the photos have not been kept up at the usual pace or with the usual fine tuning. Additionally, the string of continuous days of photographs for each child has been broken -- several times in the last month. Taking pictures is great fun but also time consuming while trying to fit summer projects in.

As much as the blog is also a journal for the kids, I thought a few stats for future reference might be interesting. The approximately 1450 pictures selected so far for 2009 represents somewhere between 5 to 10% of the pictures taken. Kidlet life to date selected picture count exceeds 7600 (if you do the math that is A LOT of pictures at 5%, but fortunately the readers have Kara and Julia to thank for selecting just their favorites of favorites for blog posts)! One could argue that the number of photographs should probably be far less, but they are so cute that on some days it is hard to choose what to cull :). From playgrounds, to forests, from driveways to beds, there are many opportunities to catch them as they change day by day. The children are growing up so quickly, yet I hope that one day they can look back on this time of innocence and joy and know that their wonderful spirits are enjoyed by so many. It is an enjoyable pursuit attempting to capture them in ways that express who they are and what they mean to their family around them. I hope they don't mind their Opa running around them so much with a camera -- maybe someday they'll be thankful they had their own personal photographer!

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