Thursday, March 04, 2010

Viva and the Hat

I am loving Genevieve as an almost 3 year old (I know, June is a few months away... but lately I've been thinking that my twins are almost 3!).  She has become much better about working with the camera.  The right motivation (aka jelly beans?!) and she can focus, pull out the poses and smiles... ahh.  It's lovely.  Now if only all 3 of them would work together for a shot?

But back to the subject.  Genevieve and the hat.  This morning Grandma pulled a sweater out of the drawer, as we were off to the zoo (more on that coming soon!).  I remembered Viva has a matching hat for the sweater and, what's more, it was right where it was supposed to be.

I think we've uncovered the solution to hair problems.  Hat days.  That hat really helps her look together.  Too bad she thought it was too hot to wear inside all day, I thought she was too cute!

Thanks for the quite lovely pictures, Opa!  And Viva.  :-)


ABIGAIL said...

Oh my god, these photos are adorable! Your daughter certainly knows how to work the camera, and I agree the jelly beans are a great incentive. My name is Abigail Pogrebin; I'm an identical twin and former 60 Minutes producer who just published a book about twins called "One and the Same." I think any parent of twins or multiples will find much to chew on and maybe some guidance as to how to dodge pitfalls of doubleness. I'd love to speak to you about the possibility of a book review and/or author Q&A. My email is,

Sam and Carmin said...

She is too gorgeous! I've said it all along . . . get that girl an agent!