Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our Boys

I like this picture for many reasons. First off it shows how well our boys get along (most of the time). They spend many hours each day together and they are good buddies. They make lots of noise. They run, race, somersault, swordfight, dance, play, drum, shout, and have a good time. Alaskan winters are long and cold and going outside regularly is not always an option. We are so very fortunate to have a large home with room to spare for them to be active and noisy inside. It is a major blessing in our family life particularly so because we homeschool the children so they are at home most of the time. Opa occasionally talks about retiring and Kara and I remind him how noisy it is here during the day--noisy and busy and crazy. Is he ready for that? Work may be stressful, but being at home every day with our fivesome could be even more stressful for someone unused to the unrelenting daily chaos.

Back to the photo! I like it because the boys are shown to their best advantage. They are looking handsome in their Sunday clothes. The older brothers are being helpful playing with their younger brothers. And I love Bentley's socks!

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