Friday, November 28, 2008

Give Us a Break, Jake!

Jake has ruled the morning so far--and it's been a long one. It started in the wee hours when he was screaming and I took pity on him (and not on his grandfather) and brought him to our bed. At first he was good and slept peacefully, but then he started thrashing his way down the middle of the bed and eventually he tumbled off the end of the bed. This upset him (duh!) and his howls woke me up (again). He quieted quickly when I rescued him from the floor (so I assume he wasn't hurt by his fall) and we both dozed off. For a while. Then he was a real pain. He flailed this way and that way and made loud grunts of unhappiness and discomfort--which ensured all of us were kept awake and aware of his travails.

Finally I'd had enough. I considered putting him back in his crib, but I didn't think Viva deserved to be woken up by him. So I put up the play pen in our bedroom closet (which is huge) and sent opa downstairs for a bottle (Jake's second of the night). Opa brought back half rations. (What was with that?) Jake was placed in the play pen in the closet with the bottle and in short order peace reigned.

After a couple of hours Opa got up. Jake got up. (Or was it Jake and then Opa?) Bentley (who also spent the night in our bed, but was a very charming guest) slept on. Eventually I got up. Before I was completely dressed (but after a nice shower!), Jake burst into my room. He was in a very good mood. Even though he'd not slept well, he'd gotten plenty of food for energy during the night. He was gleefully running around in his diaper with no clothes on.

I took him to his room where his mom was looking for clothes for him. Viva was just getting up. She had spent the night sleeping in her room never waking for a moment. Bliss! Joy! Nirvana!

I ended up sitting in the hallway sorting baby socks with Kara. Why is it that the cutest socks end up unpaired while the ugly ones manage to make it through the washing process in pairs? SO ANNOYING. While Kara and I were diligently doing this most important task, Jake disappeared into my bedroom. Bentley tried to keep him out, but I told Bentley that Jake has the same rights as he does. If Bentley can come and go as he likes, so can Jake. A grandma must be fair.

Do you know how Jake rewarded my defense of him?! When I finished with the socks and went to check on him he was sitting on the floor next to the bed trying to remove the flash from opa's camera. Thanks Jake.

I went back into his room to try once again to find some clothes for the boy to wear. While I was trying to get Kara on track and keep her there--find clothes for today!--Jake disappeared downstairs. I heard a thumping noise, but it wasn't glass breaking and there were no shrieks so I didn't rush down to investigate.

When I went down a few minutes later, Jake was happily pounding away on his mom's computer. Big no-no. Like he cares. The thump was mom's water glass going down, but Jake had righted it. However there was water on the desk top right in between Kara's two computers. She has a new little Dell mini which fortunately was closed. Most of the water ended up on the desk chair seat. Jake tracked little wet foot prints all over the kitchen area.

That's my morning with Jake so far and it's only 10AM. How much more fun can we have?!

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