Sunday, January 18, 2009

Don't Mess with Us!

The twins have just recently joined the nursery at church, upon reaching their 18 month birthdays.  That's a post in and of itself.  Viva is pretty good natured about it all, and doesn't mind being left there, but Jake displays his sensitive soul and waits by the door crying for our return.

So today I spent the 1st hour in nursery with them (and then gave up and let Grandma take Jake to class with us).  There was another little girl who really liked the look of Genevieve's hair clips; and kept going after them, trying to pull them out of her hair.  Viva kept saying "no, mine" and, if I do say myself, showing great restraint and only gently shoving this other little tike away.

After about the 5th hair encounter, however, her shrieks got louder as her hair was pulled on again and again.  Jake went running over and together they cornered this poor singleton and taught her a lesson: don't mess with twins.  I have to admit my 1st thought involved how cute it was that they were helping each other out.  My 2nd thought was to rescue this little girl (I promise, they didn't bite or scratch - a few gentle smacks, that was it!).  I quickly broke up the team smack down, reminding them we don't hit.  But it was self defense, totally.  

What fun.  They defend each other.  I love it!  This must be what having siblings is all about?

1 comment:

Morgan said...

LOL!!! that is way cute. poor other child... :) yes having siblings has its benefits.