Monday, February 22, 2010


Apparently Jake has been paying attention in nursery.

The scene: Viva and Jake, playing with a building toy.  It has square, triangle, and hexagon shaped pieces.

Jake: Viva, I need some triangles!

Viva: No.  I got them all first.  I'm not sharing.

Jake: But Jesus says you SHOULD share!

Viva hands him the triangles.  And tells him:

Jesus says you should share your memory game too

(Note: Jake does NOT share his memory game... it is his favorite present from Christmas.  A memory vehicle set.  We're not allowed to play without him).

Jake: I will NOT share my Memory game!

So maybe he gets 50% credit for listening to the lesson in nursery?!

Update: so after nap Jake wanted to play Memory.  No surprise there.  This is what he said while playing:

This is my Memory game.  I got it from Santa for Christmas.  Jesus wants me to share!

so I asked him, when told about this conversation by Grandma, if he's going to share.  He said:

Jesus wants me to share.  I will NOT share.

Still at 50% credit... :-)

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