Wednesday, July 23, 2014

All About Daddy

A few weeks back (say... around the time of Father's Day?!!!) I had the kids fill out questionnaires about their Father.  I'm a bit delayed in posting their sheets, but some of the answers were pretty funny so I figure better late than never!

Bentley's - highlights including listing rice with meatballs as a favorite food.  I am a fan of meatballs and Matt is definitely not, so I thought that answer was hilarious.  My favorite answer out of all of the answers is also on this sheet - when asked how "My daddy spoils my mom"... Bentley wrote "giving to much money!!!".   Hmmm.   I guess his future wife should look out, he thinks his Daddy is a bit too loose with the purse strings around Mommy.  :)  I asked him to clarify and he stated that Daddy gives me about 80% of the money to spend.  He might be right!

Jake's answers were fun.  He was in a sweet mood so stated that his favorite thing about his Daddy is "almost everything".... !  Better than the days when he says his Daddy is an old man and old men should DIE!  I love this kid.

Viva's answers reflect that she's not into details.  She's not sure what her Dad does or when his birthday is.  :)  She has a sense of humor, as shown with My daddy makes me laugh when he... "has glasses"!  Funny kid.

In Matt's favor, all of the kids note that they love playing with their father, reading with him, and they notice how much he hangs out with them.  They're lucky to have such a great Dad!

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