Jackson Matthew Altman (right) and Genevieve Amelia Altman (left) are here! They were born at 1:53 p.m. on June 26th, 2007 at the Providence hospital here in Anchorage. Jackson was 19 inches and 5 lbs 8 oz, and Genevieve was 18.5 inches and 5 lbs 4 oz. They were born about 20 seconds apart, so both at 1:53 - pretty cool! Jackson has short hair that fuzzes up/sticks straight out like down and is adorable. He is very alert (when awake!) and loves to look around. Genevieve has longer hair (and more of it) than he does, and huge gorgeous eyes. Although - we more often see Jackson's eyes as Genevieve already seems to know that girls need their beauty sleep.
I was admitted to the hospital on June 25th for monitoring, and due to some preterm labor complications on June 26th my Dr. recommended delivering the twins via a planned c-section versus keeping me on bed rest in the hospital and still potentially ending up with an emergency c-section. Apparently planned goes smoother than emergency... go figure!
Because the twins were born at 34 weeks 2 days, they both ended up in the NICU. Jackson is a "grower", meaning he just needs to learn to eat. Genevieve had a tube to help with her breathing, but the tube is now out and she's in the "grower" category too. Hopefully they will make it home soon, it is rough having them in the hospital!