Monday, August 04, 2008

Climbin' Machines

When I tell Genevieve to go down the stairs the right way (backwards) she puts her hands on her hips and says "no, no, no" - and slowly, very slowly, does the stairs her way.

Last night I turned around and found my darling middle child climbing onto my dining room table and I said "no, no, no!" - then ran to get the camera, of course. :-)

Luckily Jake seems to be a victim of baby brain and it's easy to redirect him. He seems to have forgotten that he can push around the dining room chairs and then climb onto the table, and I'll just have to enjoy the time until he remembers again.

1 comment:

Llama Wanderings said...

Oh how I miss the days of Baby Brain!

Two year olds can be very tiring! (Of course I would not trade in my Mommy job for an office job at all!)