Monday, December 22, 2008

Vacation: Viva's Food Fest

I think Genevieve had a few simple goals in mind for our vacation.

1) enjoy the sun & water (check!)
2) put on an extra 10% in body weight by enjoying good food (check!!)

Okay... so I don't REALLY know that Genevieve gained 2 some pounds in a week. But the way she was eating it is distinctly possible!

New favorites? Pickled olives & onions. Fresh salsa. Shrimp. More Shrimp. Even more Shrimp!! She really liked Grandpa Tim's shrimp.

Here she is, ecstatic to be at a restaurant that serves up plate upon plate of protein. This awesome place is an "all you can eat", where they cook meat on big swords over flames. They bring all different types to your table, one at a time, and cut off pieces for you to try right onto your plate. Beefs, porks, hams, turkey... all sorts of goodness.

1 comment:

Llama Wanderings said...

FINALLY a girl that likes to eat! Do you think she could teach my Millikins to eat?