Sunday, May 24, 2009

Holiday Weekend

Hurray for long weekends! Although the weekend doesn't hold quite the appeal that it used to when I worked a 9 to 5 job, a long holiday weekend is still something to get excited about. A whole extra day of Dad around, and chances for adventures for the kids? Sounds good to me! (Not, of course, that the children and I don't adventure non stop every day!)

The kids and I had the chance to kick off the holiday weekend a bit earlier than Matt (who was still slaving at work on Thursday, alas) with a beautiful picnic with friends. They are the site hosts for this lovely Alaskan summer hiking destination. Isn't their "front porch" gorgeous?!

Saturday morning Matt & Bentley went to their 2nd Lowe's Build Clinic. I'm not sure how much work Bentley does versus how much Dad does, but, nonetheless - bonding time. Right? :-) They give out little merit badges you can sew on the Lowe's Apron. Preparation for Boy Scouting... ?

I, of course, went and hit a few garage sales early in the morning. Because what is a summer Saturday without at least one thrifty find?

When we all made it back home we headed out for a picnic at Potter's Marsh. I like to remind my husband (and myself!) that when we set nice small goals for fun with the kids we're more likely to succeed in having a good time. 3 small children equals easy melt downs and not too much patience once they get tired. So - short outings? A good plan!

We had a great time. The kids ran up and down the board walks. We saw a few birds, some fish jumping in the water, and a moose.

Viva, who tires a bit quicker than her brothers, got sick and tired of running. She was a bit disgruntled at how hard she had to work to get a ride:

Jake, educating himself on the wildlife in the area:



The view!

1 comment:

jhl said...

Wow, that IS a nice front yard view! :)