Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thankful Thursday #1

Hold on to your seats! I'm planning to introduce a new regular "feature" on the blog - Thankful Thursday. I've seen ideas like this one some other family blogs I read, and since my blog is also my "journal" to the kids of life when they were young - I like the idea! Gratitude keeps us happy, and helps us focus on all the many positive blessings in our lives. So here it goes, we'll see if I can remember to do this enough weeks in a row to create a habit. :-)

This week we are....

Still feeling lucky to have so many outdoor toys and a fun long driveway to spend hours playing with them on, both on our own and with lots of our friends! Whenever we have a driveway play date it lasts for a couple hours - a sign of a winner activity, right?!

Very thankful for the gorgeous weather this May has brought with it. Sun is good, sun is great! The kids LOVE to be outside. I think if I offered to put up a tent outside they'd be happy to stay out there 24x7.

Happy to be healthy again! Now I don't just feel bad when I'm sick, but I feel bad for the kids (and the constant nose wiping) whenever they catch a new bug. I'm hopeful (ever so hopeful) that they'll outgrow this tiresome "catch all the germs" phase. Sounds like a good plan to me!

Enjoying an extra long stretch of Dad in town time. The kids (and the Mom, of course!) are always happy when Daddy doesn't have to jet off to his exotic home away from home of Barrow. The kids love the extra hours outside playing at our home or the walks to the park, and the extra long bed time story telling time.

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