Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday #11

This week we are...

grateful to Daddy for being so fun with the kids! They've all had opportunities to go out on "dates" with him in the past week, we've kept him busy. More on that in an upcoming post!

grateful for visits from fun family! My Grandma's sister Marlene and Marlene's son Brett have been here visiting this week. They've been fun guests to have, and the kids always love new company to play with. We're lucky to have guests that like (or are polite!) to play! Aunt Jean & Uncle Harold showed up on Tuesday night, and we're enjoying having them to visit with through the weekend!

happy (at least I am) that the kids are becoming *so* (just kidding) self reliant. They can take off their own clothes, throw them in the laundry hamper, go grab new diapers... when they want to be they can be very helpful. And that's a nice thing!

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