Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Baby Feeders

Lincoln's older siblings like him, which is good. They don't really hold him too often though. They have a sudden strong desire to see him after they are tucked into bed at night (they prey on weakness, and know I won't refuse the "please, can we kiss our baby good night, Mommy"?). They like to walk by and pat him on the head. They like to grab his feet/hands and kiss them. They'll sit next to him on the floor and entertain him. But hold him? Not so much.

BUT! Yesterday I had finished making Viva & Jake sandwiches, and then Lincoln woke up demanding a bottle. I told Bentley that I would make him lunch as soon as I'd fed the baby. Bentley said: "How about you go make me my lunch, and I'll feed the baby?!".


He looked just a little anxious. But he did great work.

Once he wanted to feed the baby it became in *cool* thing to do, and Viva gave it a shot too:

Luckily our baby is easy going. As long as the food shows up it's okay with him if a little person is the one providing bottle holding service. :-)

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