Saturday, October 15, 2011

1/4 of a year OLD!

Happy 3 months, Lincoln Henry!

I couldn't pick which smile was cuter... the wrinkly eyed one or the big open mouthed one. So I chose BOTH!

We are having FUN with our 3 month old! Lincoln can say "mama" (granted, it's normally in an upset wail sort of way... but I'll take it). He can hold onto toys pretty well once he swings at them and somewhat accidentally gets them in his hand. He loves his jumperoo, and he LOVES to smile and laugh.

I think he is going to be an adrenaline junky. He laughs hardest for the type of baby games where you pretend to drop him, or throw him a bit in the air. Those produce double chuckles.

Lincoln has already been labeled a flirt. Give him a smile (or even a half smile) and he'll flash you a big toothless grin, complete with sparkly eyes, back!

Our baby wants to be older. Which is a shame, because they're not little long enough! He loves to watch his older siblings play, run, act crazed... do all those things they do. He wishes he could do them ALREADY, I think! He likes to sit up, stand up... laying down or reclining are only okay for sleeping babies apparently. If you try to lay him back against you he'll pull himself up to a sitting position!

Can't wait to see what the next 3 months bring, it's amazing how much he has changed in the short 3 months he's been here on the "outside" with us!

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