Thursday, April 12, 2012

All About Mommy

I tried interviewing the children on Kara's last birthday. The answers weren't all coherent. They did better this year because they, too, are a year older. I interviewed them separately, so they couldn't hear each other's answers, but still some of their answers were the same. I think in a survey that you plant ideas by the questions you ask. Those planted ideas come out as answers later in the survey. I'll have to work on that next year. I'll ask random and unrelated questions.

If you took mommy on a date, where would you take her?
J: I know. Florida. And Mexico. And Mexico. And Mexico. (He's very impatient with my typing.)
V: To the ice cream place for her birthday. (I took Viva and Jake for ice cream on Tuesday.)
B: The bouncy house. McDonalds.

What is mommy's favorite color?
J: I don't know. Pink.
V: Pink and purple. She told me in the car.
B: Pink and purple? I don't know. I think purple.

If you wanted to do something nice for mommy, what would you do?
J: Get Legos for her.
V: Give her a birthday present early. Like I did this morning. Even if it's not her birthday.
B: I'd do my chore before she wakes up. And give her lots of things every day (like share my candy.) And be nice to her.

What is the nicest thing mommy has done for you this past week?
J: Be nice.
V: Let us have candy. (Viva has a sweet tooth for candy. The boys like cookies.)
B: Took me to swim lessons and to gymnastics.

How do you know that mommy loves you?
J: 'Cause she likes us. That wasn't tough at all. (I warned him it was a tough question.)
V: 'Cause she does nice things for us. That was not hard.
B: 'Cause she does nice things.

What is your favorite activity to do with mommy?
J: Games. Skippity. (Must be that last game they played together?)
V: Make cookies and brownies and everything.
B: Sleeping in the tent in the family room. (Viva asked to sleep in the tent at dinner.)

Can you think of a question to ask?
J: *no answer*
V: Why does mommy let us have Legos? Because she knows we want to do fun stuff. YEAH!
B: Why is she so nice? Because she loves us!

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