Saturday, August 18, 2012

Siri and Lincoln

Lincoln likes tech toys.  Why not?  They're shiny and pretty and have bright colors on them.  It's what attracts me to them too.  iPhones, iPads, kindles, screen savers... he's not too picky.

That being said, I should issue a disclaimer that although I might let him "hold" the phone - or briefly swipe at the screen on an iPad to see what happens - we don't actually have any apps for the 1 year old.  I think that would be just silly.    :)

The other day he did manage to interact with the iPhone though.  He holds down the buttons to try and make something happen, so he managed to "connect" with Siri.  This is the result of their conversation:

Hmmm... I think Siri still needs some fine tuning.  At least in the communication with a 12 month old area.  Apparently he asked something along the lines of "Siri what you want", and Siri searched the web to show him how to make Siri curse like a sailor.

I can see I'll have to keep a close eye on this kid.  Or on Siri, not sure which!

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