Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Crawling Machine!

It's tough to be the youngest of 5, particularly when you're a little boy and have 3 older brothers.  There's a lot of pressure!  A couple weeks ago Evan and I had a little chat and I talked to him about when his peep Lincoln started crawling. I told him that although there wasn't MUCH pressure, it was about time he get serious about forward movement.

He took my words to heart.

He started his pursuit of "real" crawling on April 10th, so that he had a nice (albeit slow) crawl with good form down pat for my birthday.  What a sweet baby!

What convinced him to crawl?  Magformers.  What baby wouldn't crawl for bright colorful awesome Magformers, right?  We told him that babies really ought not play with them.  Even though the magnets are completely enclosed it still doesn't seem like the very best of ideas, but he was determined!

He looks like a little robot machine when he crawls.  Very cute.  He started out pretty darn slow, but now a week later he is getting much faster.  I put him down in one place and he's across the room when I come back!  He is also very good at sitting and moving to a sitting position on his own.  Today I went upstairs, came back down, and found him sitting up under my desk watching the kids eat breakfast.  I'd left him 30 feet away from there in the living room.  Craaaaazy!

Favorite place to crawl?  Towards siblings and whatever they're doing!  He wants to be a part of the action and the fun!  Which has lead to a toy tussle or two with Lincoln.... :)

Bonus?  He started crawling during one of the weeks Daddy is around this month.  Extra points for baby!

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