The kids and I have been battling it out at night time lately. I think they're a bit out of control with all their pre-sleep demands so I'm trying to reign them in a bit.
Last night we put on pajamas, brushed teeth, and read stores. We said prayer, tucked the kids in, and gave them their last drink of water for the night. They got kisses, they got tucked in again, and we said good night. (Sure sounds like a long enough routine, right?!).
If only they would keep their mouths shut and actually jump right into the activity of sleep. I wish! I had to go back in the room, (more than once) and tell them that if they couldn't be quiet the door couldn't stay open. On one of these trips Bentley stopped me with:
"Mommy, I need to talk to you!"
Me: "Bentley, I'm done talking to you tonight! You're supposed to be sleeping!"
Bentley: "Mommy!! Don't talk then. You just listen. I'll talk."
after no reply from me as I try to exit the room...
Bentley: "Mommy!! Are you there? I'm talking to you still!!"
Hmmm... it doesn't appear that I am getting through to my toddler despot yet.
While we're on the subject of conversations in the toddler room...
I often go in to find Viva screaming. What does her older brother tell me, in response to her cries of "Bentley's mean!!!"?
Bentley: "I wasn't talking to her, Mommy".
Me: "what were you doing?"
Bentley: "I was talking to myself!"
Me: "About?"
Bentley: "I can't remember"
Me: "Try harder"
Bentley: "Oh, about Viva. I was telling myself that she's not my Viva, or Jake's Viva"
Brothers. They can be cruel.
Another popular line? It started out the same way, with Viva shrieking about a mean Bentley...
Me: "Bentley, what did you do to your sister?"
Bentley: "I didn't DO anything to her, Mommy!"
Me: "Then why is she crying?"
Bentley: "We were just talking, Mommy!"
Me: "About what?"
Bentley: "Oh, this and that"
Me: "What this and that?"
Bentley: "I was just teasing her a little bit"
"I told her the earthquake is going to come while she's sleeping and swallow her up"
Sheesh. At least he's creative??!