Monday, September 14, 2015

The Crew Is Back!

Kara arrived home in the early hours of Saturday. B, J, and V arrived home Saturday evening. Matt brought L and E home early this morning on a red eye flight. We are now all home together!

I was up when the little ones came home and I talked to them. Later this morning I was woken up by lots of kid noise, but I didn't get up until Evan came in to the bedroom to ask for my help getting his dolly changed into her daytime outfit. He can't do the snaps.

When we went downstairs, we found the older children were doing their math:

Lincoln's outfit made me laugh. He was dressed in a thick sweatshirt, shorts, socks, and doggy slippers.  (Was he hot or was he cold?)

Evan showed me the new books that his dad bought on their trip to Idaho:

I didn't know The Little Golden Books series covered the Star Wars saga! Bentley read the books and told me that they did a good job of condensing the story line.

I took L and E out with me to run some errands. We ended up at the playground before coming.

B came home from California with an outer ear infection. He went to the doctor's on Sunday and got some ear drops to cure it. Now J has the same problem. B says he's going to karate no matter what! J says his ear hurts too much to go. The medication worked pretty fast for B, so hopefully J will be feeling good tomorrow.

It is good to have everyone back home…even if it is rather noisy.

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