Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Shopping

Four days before Christmas I took Viva shopping with me. We went to a yarn store, a toy store, a cheese store ($27.50/lb raclette cheese!), Walmart, and to Claire's (accessories for girls, tweens, and teens) at the Dimond Center Mall. We spent the most time at Claire's because Viva had a 20% coupon and a $20 gift card from last Christmas and the store had a buy-three-get-three-free sale. (I hate sales like that.) We stopped for ice cream on the way out of the mall.

Three days before Christmas I took Jake shopping with me. We stopped at the Dimond Center Mall to see if Viva wanted to be rescued from hanging out at Opa's gig, but she didn't. She had a good book. All three of us checked out the hobby store in the mall before Jake and I left and went to Costco. Jake got a berry sundae after we finished shopping, so we had to skip Toys"R"Us because the sundae needed eating. We made a quick stop at Michaels and then a stop at Fred Meyer before heading home. 

Bentley does not like shopping unless you go only to stores he likes and that list is short: rock stores and toy stores. He and I did not go out shopping together before Christmas.

Lincoln and Evan like to get out of the house, so they usually opt to go out shopping with anyone who is willing to take them. They are very well behaved when they are out. One day we were at Michaels for way longer than we should have been and they were really good sports about it. They like to see new things!

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