Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Everyday Life: June

Water Balloon Toss
(Look carefully and you can see the orange balloon.)

(Little boys grow up too fast. 
Soon they will not play with the trains any more.)

Playground Fun

It was a craze and we tried it out.
Interesting, but not for long.

Huh...not sure why the giraffe hat.

Viva modeling an apron I made for my friend Helen.

Lincoln playing the white bass guitar.

Evan playing the orange bass guitar.
(My question is why does Opa have two bass guitars that only differ in color? I was told so that the grandchildren could play with him.  Hmmm...sure....but there are five grandchildren.)

Bentley in his boot playing fling ball.

Bentley in his boot in a bag having a water fight with his brothers.
(Viva likes filling water balloons, but usually doesn't join the fight.)

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