Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Junior Parkour Gymnastics

Lincoln and Evan attended a local gymnastics club, Aurora Kids, during the fall semester. They were in the 4-6 year old junior parkour gymnastics class. Parkour is a fancy word for running obstacle courses. (Running obstacle courses is a sport made popular by the reality TV show American Ninja Warrior.) 

Every Wednesday I took them to their parkour class where they ran, jump, rolled, swung, climbed, balanced and had a great time. At the end of the semester the class had a parents' night to show off the kids' skills. It was fun to see them do the different obstacle course activities. Lincoln was one of the older kids and very adept at the given activities. The teachers said he should move on to a more advanced class. Evan was one of the shorter and younger kids, so while he was good at the activities, they were more challenging for him. (The bane of younger brothers is their older brother always being ahead of them in skills they learn at the same time--but not at the same age.)

Lincoln and Evan really enjoyed the class, but when asked if they wanted to take it again in the spring semester, they said they were okay with doing something else. Lincoln wants to go back to karate and Evan said the class was too exhausting. (It wasn't too exhausting and the boys would have enjoyed a second semester of parkour, but going back to karate is also a good choice.)

Kara and I took the boys out for ice cream after their showcase.

P.S. When Bentley and Jake were the age of Lincoln and Evan they, too, took a gymnastics class at Aurora Kids. It was a boys only gymnastics class, but that class was no longer offered, instead kid parkour classes are offered. 

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