Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bentley fights sleep (& wins)

We heard another new word from Bentley a few days ago – starving. As in: “I’m starving”! Picture him throwing himself against the fridge, trying to open it as he wails about starvation.

Either the child is finally considering putting some meat on his bones, or this is a new (and very clever) scheme to avoid being sent to bed. Maybe it’s both! He knows that I can’t refuse him food, so for the past couple days he suddenly becomes very hungry right around 11:00 pm (yep – the starving word debuted at 11:00 pm!). I probably shouldn’t admit my child is awake at 11:00 pm, but there you have it.

Last night he had a big bowl of pasta (drenched in butter, of course), and followed it up with 2 waffles. When you take into account he had actually eaten a decent size meal for dinner that’s even more impressive.

I’m all for his new scheming if it puts a few more pounds on him… bring it on, Bentley!

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