Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jake and Jesus

Jake is my sensitive bully.  I think I've mentioned this before.

Our new kitten has been bringing out his mean side... we're working with him, but he's incorrigible!  Today he walked up to the kitty and tried to throw him.  I decided to try the *shock* factor on him.

Me:  "Jake, if you throw Rameses you could really hurt him.  It could even kill him."
Jake: "You mean he would be dead?"
Me:  "Yes, and I'd be VERY sad."
Jake: "Okay."
Me: "When we die we're gone.  We're not here anymore.  We don't come back."
Jake:  "But wouldn't he be back the next morning?"
Me: "No.  When we die we're gone"
Jake: "But Jesus helps us.  He helps us come back."

Me.  Stumped for a minute.

Me: "Yes, he does.  But not the next day.   We'd still be sad about the kitty for a long time."

I'm not sure if I got through to him.  But I'm glad he has some type of grasp on the resurrection. :-)

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