Saturday, March 05, 2011

Viva: The Sweet & The Sour

Viva is our little sweetheart princess. She not only looks like a princess, but she acts like a princess, she dresses like a princess, and she likes to have her own way like a princess. If your way and her way are in agreement, life is easy. If not, she'll stick to her plan unless forced to abandon it. She is still little enough that we can force her to do much of what we want her to do, but I suspect we will have some difficult years ahead of us if we try to keep a tight rein on Viva.

I think it's a fair assessment to describe her as sweet and sour. Sweet when she's in agreement with you; sour when not in agreement. You should see some of the faces that girl produces when she's not in agreement. Preschoolers are vastly amusing. (The same behavior in teenagers would be vastly annoying...why is that?)

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