Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rameses!

Our kitty cat turned 1 on Tuesday (June 7th). He is definitely a well loved addition to the family by the kids; and he has a stellar personality - he puts up with often over affectionate love from his little owners! Here are they are treating him extra nice "because it's his birthday" (Bentley's words):

Here are some random facts about the cat & the kids:

- he can be found in Bentley's bed 80% of the time at night
- when he cheats on Bentley, it's because he's with Jake
- for some reason he NEVER sleeps in Viva's bed, I think he prefers the males
- Jake's cat catch phrase is "oh!! I just love you TOO much, kitty"!
- Rameses has never hissed at the kids, I don't think I've ever even seen his tail puffed up - he is very easy going
- our cat is social - despite the rough love he receives he chooses to follow us around during the day most days to hang out
- Rameses likes to lick the kids heads (and hands... and feet)... yuck! when he tries to lick me I tell him NO, but for some reason the kids don't mind it

Quotes about the cat:

From Bentley - "He's warm, he's snuggly to sleep with, and he can jump really high. And I can meow just like him and it makes him come to me"

From Jake - "I like that he's so furry, that he sleeps on my bed at night, and that he runs so fast"

Visitor to house: "He's beautiful"!

Viva is out with her Daddy tonight, so I'll have to check in her thoughts later.

We're glad you're around, cat!

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