Thursday, February 28, 2013

Update on the Nap Strike

The nap time strike continues.

Sometimes it is hard work, and our little friend can't help but let his eyes droop for a moment:

But despite the the hard times, he is DEDICATED to his goal!  He is not going to let anything like sleep get in the way of all the fun, fun, and more fun that he knows must be going on during his naptime.  I admire his desire to get the most out of life, but I sure wish he'd get a little more rest.  He looks so tired!  He's taken 4 naps (?) in the last 2 weeks, and they have all been in Grandma's bed or my bed.  I know that theoretically I'm in charge and I could just leave him in his crib... but what can I say?  He's an indulged fourth child.  And we love him that way.

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