Monday, January 13, 2014

Evan the Amazing

I know I'm getting older and my memory isn't what it used to be... but, nonetheless, I'm fairly confident that Evan is the craziest baby of my bunch.  I might even venture to say he is busier and gets into more trouble than two babies could at once.  And I should know.  :)

I love his cute cheeks.  His impish grin.  His sparkly eyes.  His mop of hair.


He never walks, he runs!  Don't try to get out a door/down the stairs without him!
He shrieks with great passion and has a bit of a temper. (I sometimes call him Jake 2.0!)  It's not good to mess with him.  If he gets his hand slapped, he'll chase you down to slap your hand back.
He is very inquisitive.  He likes to explore more than he ought.
He's full of zeal and zest.  When he's done eating he throws all his extra food on the floor.  When he's happy he climbs on my table and DANCES!
He's developing a great sense of drama.  I've seen a few hilarious tantrums on the floor that are providing flashbacks to his sister who threw one or two when she was little.  
He is very determined.  Remove him from what he's doing and he returns.  Over and over.

I'm sure that all of his passion and zeal will make him unstoppably great and they all fall in the "good to have" character trait list.  But they make for a bit of a high maintenance 15 month old!  Which brings me back to the cute, kissable cheeks and the sparkly eyes.  

Good thing he's so cute!  He's starting to talk more and when he gets excited he'll even string a few words together.  It will be fun to see what's going on in that little brain (little big brain, I mean!).

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