Wednesday, December 03, 2014

From The Pits of Jake's Mind

Jake and Bentley had a bit of an altercation today.  Which is probably my fault for getting irritated with them last night when they were up an hour after I put them to bed - Jake seems to stay calmer when the adults around him are calm.  Anyway.  It was time for our online history lecture, and Bentley had his iPad out and Jake objected (they aren't supposed to use iPads while listening to history - it defeats the listening part of the study, I think!)

Jake tried to take it, Bentley hit him, Jake hit back.... and they were off to the races!

After some ranting and raving on his part I suggested that Jake write out his feelings for me.  This is what I got:

We discussed how lovely his handwriting is getting, and how some capitalization and punctuation would help.  :)   Then we we discussed how the quaint expression "for that" makes Mommy want to tear up her brain when she hears it. (Both Jake and Viva use this expression, and for the life of me I have no idea why and I can't seem to erase it from their heads!!!).

We ripped up the negative feelings, and moved on with the day!  Jake still gets rather angry, but not as often as he used to and he recovers much quicker.  I'll call that progress.  :)

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