Sunday, March 29, 2015

Everyday Life: February

It has been a crazy month. Kara and I are not posting as often to the blog because we are distracted with other activities. Kara has been spending a lot of time at the dojo while the boys prepare for their upcoming competitions. I have been spending my free time quilting my back log of quilt tops. I have quilted eight quilt tops this month and now I am binding them. Be assured though that even when we don't post life goes forward at a crazy pace at our home!

Opa continues to play ukulele regularly, but the grandchildren play infrequently. Maybe opa needs to set up a regular time to play with his grandsons?

The boys were attending ukulele night in February, but this month it's nothing but karate in evenings. It will be nice to get back to more varied schedule after they return from their tournament.

Evan and Viva wearing a quilt I finished In February!

The Death Star is still taking up space in my bathroom and Lincoln plays with it every day. Evan only occasionally plays with it--he is all about the moving parts. Lincoln on the other hand enjoys adding new minifigures to the ship.

Last month (when this photo was taken) Lincoln was still big into Magformers, but I haven't seen them out for a couple of weeks. The train table is now covered with Lego houses. Lincoln cannot get enough Lego time!

The brothers engaging in a light saber fight downstairs.

The brothers engaging in a light saber fight on the main floor.

Viva checking out her Barbie dolls. She has inherited her mother's and her grandmother's Barbie dolls. She only plays with them two or three times a year.

Lincoln and Evan in an improv baseball game. Because they are little and cute we allowed this game in our family room. The older boys would get in big trouble if they tried batting balls around the family room. (Let's face it, the little boys aren't going to score many hits.)

Viva in her favorite craft area--the mud room. She is working on beaded hairpins. Lincoln joined Viva because he was lonely. (That's what she told me.)

Evan doesn't normally like to eat cheese, but he discovered that cheese flavored with garlic butter is good tasting! Bentley likes to take the cheese off his cheesy bread so we thought he would appreciate E's help, but B says the bread tastes better if the cheese is removed after the baking.

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