Friday, July 06, 2007

It's already Day 1 with 3!

We were thrilled to be able to bring Jackson home from the NICU today. Yesterday around 11:00 a.m. the Dr. came by and told Genevieve she could leave. She removed the tape from Jackson's feeding tube because she was going to reposition it, but she turned around for a minute and he managed to rip it out while she wasn't looking! She told him that he didn't have to have it put back in until he needed it, and for the next 8 feedings he behaved like a champ and met his feeding requirements all from the bottle. So now he's home too, and we couldn't be happier that we don't have to make anymore trips back and forth to Providence at all hours of the day. :-) The 10 day stay in the NICU with the challenge of having someone there every 3 hrs to feed the twins makes me think having them home might not be so hard after all...

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