All of my parenting magazines tell me that somewhere between 15 and 24 months children have a language explosion, at which point they will start adding dozens of words to their vocabulary every day. I can't wait - at least - that's what I keep telling myself! I am very eager to find out exactly what is going on behind those bright eyes of my child. :-) I didn't talk much until 24 months myself, at which point I talked in sentences. Bentley's approaching 20 months and I'm wondering if he's going to take the same approach... 4 months seems like an eternity right now!
I suspect that half of the reason I look forward to clear communication is because I think it will make it easier to get along. I'll offer a selection of breakfast foods, he'll tell me what he wants and he'll eat it. I'll explain we have to run errands but when we get home we can play outside, and he'll eagerly come along and behave at the store. I'll tell him I understand he's tired and if he could just be good natured we'll be home soon, and he'll happily comply... I have many visions of conversation with a rational being. The problem, however, is that I'm not sure toddlers qualify as rational humans. They have to grow into that...
I'm positive that communication with full sentences will be entertaining, but I think I'll have to reconcile myself to the fact that it won't solve all parenting problems. Exhibit A may be the new words heard this week:
1stly, the big "NO" has shown up. Prior to this it was simply vehement head shaking, but now we've progressed to an occasional no.
2ndly, we heard a "go away!" this week. It was directed at the ball, which he then threw, but still...
We'll see what words show up next!