The twins are getting more alert every day, and today there was a window of time where they were both awake and happy at the SAME time! Maybe I'm not giving them enough credit and this happens more often than I think but when they scream it tends to overshadow the calm memories in my mind...
I try to encourage interaction between the little tikes, as I have the idea stuck in my head that because they're twins they must love to spend time together (plus, it makes for cute pictures if they cooperate). Once they can talk I guess we'll find out if I'm right - I have a feeling they'll be asking me why I allowed permanent damage to their ear drums to occur due to occasional bouts of a screaming womb mate in close proximity.
Some moms of twins talk about how their twins love to cuddle together, and hold hands. The closest I could get was a picture of the two of them linking arms. The next shot after this one was where they straightened the arms to push each other away - not what I was going for! Please note this is my own attempt at an ugly art shot -- I think I enjoy the photo editing options in Picasa a little too much...

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