Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tormenting Bentley

Yup, we adults were at it again--trying to force food on the young one. We are all concerned about his disinterest in food. More often than not at meal time he refuses to eat. We offer him food many times a day. We offer him a wide variety. Sometimes he condescends to eat--but it might be a small bowl of red pepper pieces. Sounds healthy, but, quite frankly, there are dismally few calories in red peppers.

He has plenty of energy and he is quite happy, but his growth has stalled out the past six months. So we are all food pushers. This is his latest response to our food pushing. First he will emphatically tell you "No way!". Then he will get down on the floor and push his nose into the ground. Pretty dramatic!

1 comment:

Llama Wanderings said...

This is one of the funniest things I have seen!