A couple weeks ago (June 22nd), while cousin Ben was visiting, Bentley, Ben, and I (Daddy) had a chance to go to Seward for a train and boat excursion. To start the day, we had to get up and out of the house by about 5:30AM. That's pretty early. But arriving at the train station, Bentley perked up as he saw all the people ready to get on the train with him, with all sorts of ideas about the things we'd see. They let us board around 6:15 AM, and the lurch forward occured right on time at 6:45. We were off for an exciting adventure on the train, which I'd never done, and a chance to go watch for whales.
So, if you haven't ridden a train before, you might not know that there's a lot of rocking motion involved. And the Alaska train goes right up against a series of landscaped block walls that invite your attention as they whiz by.
6:46AM "Daddy, are we going really fast?" "Yes, Bentley."
"Will we go faster?" "Probably, when we get out of town."
6:48AM "Daddy, my tummy doesn't feel very good." "Don't watch out the window, you'll be ok."
6:49AM "Daddy, I think I'm gonna be sick...." "Are you gonna puke?" Hands go to the mouth. Daddy dives for the plastic sack in his backpack, opening it just in time for the second volley aimed at his pants.
6:50AM "It's a good thing you only had milk to drink, huh? Let's go lets go lets go - run to the back - there's a bathroom!"
Luckily, trains have big bathrooms, otherwise this could have been significantly worse.
And we repeated that for about 2 hours. Poor Bentley (yuck), poor Ben (who me? No, I'm not with them), poor dad (I grabbed spare clothes for the wrong person).

Luckily the train wasn't too full, the people onboard were very nice, and Bentley eventually settled down and watched out the window as we passed through some of the most amazing scenery Alaska has to offer!
Along the way we saw some huge eagle's nests, big glaciers, the neatest tunnel/bridge system with cascading waterfalls, and my favorite: the cargo train wiped out by an avalanche a few weeks prior. I had no appreciation for the power of an avalanche until we saw the flatbed car wreckage and cargo strewn across the landscape.
Seward gave us the opportunity to feel an earthquake as we were standing at the harbor... at least it wasn't a big one, otherwise that might have been too much excitement for one day.

We went out on the wildlife cruise, which gave us the opportunity to prepare for more motion sickness, but luckily all went well. Bentley enjoyed getting to see the Humpback whales and puffins. We saw a couple of seals, and at one point there were sea lions. Our lunch out on the island was great! Ben and I had steak and salmon; Bentley was pleased to eat 5 rolls. That was A-ok with me, considering there was 2 more hours on the boat and another 5 hour train ride!
The remainder of the boat ride was rather uneventful... we hit some rougher water with 6-8ft waves outside of Resurrection Bay. I say uneventful because neither Bentley nor I remember it. It was naptime for the two of us!
Back in Seward we stopped for cookies and icecream - always happy to support the local eateries! Our train ride back to Anchorage went well - and Bentley was excited about it when we arrived back at the Seward depot. However, around Portage, Bentley said, "I'm all done with the train. How do I get off?" So, our adventure lasted an hour or two longer than Bentley wanted, but it ended well. What a day!