Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jeans Mania

You have to love a toddler in jeans because they are so darn cute (both the toddler and the miniature pair of jeans).

The problem in our house is that Bentley and Jake love their jeans and only their jeans. Earlier this summer I posted about how hard it is to get them into shorts. Well, it's getting just about as difficult to dress them in anything other than jeans. They scream and kick and even resort to dragging dirty jeans out of the laundry basket.

Yesterday Bentley had one last pair of clean jeans, but he was upset at his mother's choice of shirt. She gave him two different Polo style shirts to pick from, but he wanted to wear a t-shirt. Jake didn't have any clean jeans so he went ballistic. He was even furious about the pair of socks we put on him. After losing the battle over the jeans, nothing made him happy. *sigh* This is not the best way to start the day.

Will we give in and clear the closet of all pants other than jeans?! Not going to happen. It's just too much fun (notwithstanding the screaming and kicking) dressing up our little living dolls.

Viva is an excellent sport and happily wears anything we dress her in. Viva! Viva! She's Our Best!

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