Friday, June 25, 2010

Good-bye Twos :-(

No more two year olds. Today is the last day we will have two year olds in the house. It's sad. Two year olds are delightful. They are excited about each new day and have lots of good ideas about what to do. They have awesome vocabularies and pick up new words with incredible ease. They like to cuddle and hug. They like to be read to. They like to be the center of attention. They like to help (sometimes).

I know Jake and Viva will be great three year olds, but I'm still going miss the two year olds.

Here the twosome is in the last hours of their twodom:

F.Y.I. In these photos Jake looks significantly taller than Viva. That's not the case. Usually they look very close to the same height with Jake just a little taller. During this photo shoot Jake had his hair spiked (giving him additional height) and Viva was slouching a little.

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