Who is Genevieve? When I try to start a list of Genevieve's favorite things, her likes, her main interests, what she chooses to do in her free time, etc. I find myself thinking more about she doesn't prefer, what she doesn't choose, than what she does.
Viva is not a hoarder like her two brothers. She has a small Princess box that is stashed under bed, but she never adds anything to it. She forgets she has it there. When all three kidlets received new backpacks, the boys immediately stuffed theirs to overflowing. Viva put a few items in, stored the back pack away on the coat rack, and that was that.
Viva doesn't collect anything. She talks about princesses and we buy her princess stuff like pajamas, puzzles, and books, and she likes them, but not obsessively like her siblings.
She has very little interest in cars, although she is give one now and again by us or her brothers. She quickly loses interest and I doubt she can even find a single one of "her" cars. Boring! The train set doesn't hold her attention for long either. If the boys are playing she might join them for five or even ten minutes, but that's it.
Viva doesn't care much for ball playing (in any form), for running, or for sword play. She will do a puzzle if you ask her to, but she doesn't chose that activity on her own. She doesn't currently have a favorite game.
So what does Viva prefer, like, and choose? Viva loves to swing and enjoys the playground every bit as much as her brothers. She's as likely to sit at the top of the slide than to go down the slide, but she has a good time sitting there surveying her world.
Viva loves to shop or maybe just get out of the house? She's up for any adventure that involves new sights. She's a good companion, too. She will keep you entertained with her comments. She's an upbeat kid.
Viva loves books. She likes to be read to, but she is equally content to look at books. At nap time she usually does not nap, but she does stay quietly in her bedroom looking at books in the darkened room. She will flip through ten or twenty or even forty books. She has to be reminded to put them back on the bookshelf when nap time is over, but she's a good sport about doing it. Maybe we need to move a bookshelf next to her bed?
Viva likes to build forts with her brothers. She likes to play in them.
Viva does not spend a lot of time in time out. She seldom goes there for hitting, although she will hit her brothers if they annoy her enough or if she's in a bad mood. Viva keeps a low profile when the boys are sparring. She's a smart girl.
When Viva is sent to time out it is almost always for defiance. When she defies us, it's not usually just to be contrary. She's not taking a stand against authority like the typical three year old--saying no just say no. She defies us because she's more interested in completing her mission than she is listening to us. If we tell her to stop doing something, but she really wants to do it, she will. She completes her task despite that fact that it's going to land her in time out. Whatever. She'll pay the price.
Viva can really wail when she's hurt or upset. Her wail is loud and obnoxious. Because it's so off putting, it's not particularly effective. We do not rush over to her aid. To tell the truth, it makes me want to flee in the opposite direction. Of course, I don't. But I want to.
Viva likes food. If someone is eating something in the same room she is, she will ask for a bite no matter what it is. She's a nibbler, she doesn't usually eat a lot of one food. Her favorite foods? Cheese. Whatever you're eating!
Viva likes dresses. She doesn't like socks. She sometimes picks her own outfits, but she's a good sport (usually) about us picking outfits for her. We love dressing her up. She's so CUTE!
Viva likes to draw. She likes to paint. On the iPad she likes the drawing programs. She tries the different games that the boys like, but she doesn't stick with them for long. The boys like to give her advice on how to do it. She's usually a good sport about their unsolicited advice.
Why do I call her an enigma? The boys are very obvious about their likes and dislikes. It's easy to find an activity that they like doing. Viva is a happy child and she doesn't demand attention, but we find ourselves asking--what does she do all day?! The boys ask to go outside and ride bikes or to play a game with you or for you to get a particular toy out for them. Viva is low profile. She's off doing her own thing using her own resources. We need to follow her around and find out what she does all day.