Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bentley, his cat, and their bed time routine

I know, I know... he's not technically one of the kids.  But he is their cat!  So he deserves a cute picture or two on the blog!  Rameses (despite the idyllic picture) does not always have an peaceful life - it is not easy being adored by three small children.  Particularly when they are being rambunctious.  

All of the kids love their cat, but I'd say Bentley is the most enamored!  A few days ago he was wandering around the house singing to his cat all day: "Pussy cat, pussy cat, I love you, pussy cat pussy cat, yes I do... ".  Do you know that one?  You would if you heard it - it's a classic!  I'm just not sure where Bentley picked it up.

Every night the cat sleeps next to Bentley.  If he isn't there at story time he meows at the door to be let in soon after prayer, and the kids of course jump up and oblige him by opening the door!  Rameses and Bentley share a pillow, and in the last couple weeks it's been getting out of hand - I go in to check on my cherubs and find the cat has the whole pillow and Bentley has none!  

So I did what any reasonable person would do.  I tracked down another pillow, to put next to Bentley's, so he and his kitty cat could each have their own.  And still be together.  This worked well for a few nights, but they're back to sharing.  Bentley tells me his pillow (he took the new one I gave them!) is the softer one, so the cat likes to share it.  I think I'll have to track down a king size pillow for the buddies next.

The cat's only not so charming habit?  He licks Bentley!  I catch him grooming my child, while he is asleep (and sometimes when he is awake) - giving his hair and face a nice bath. Yuuuuuck!  Bentley tells me he licks the cat on his head, and that he likes it when the cat licks him.  I've tried telling him this is definitely not normal behavior, and doesn't the scratchy cat tongue bug him?  But no.. he says it tickles, but just a little.

Despite his buy in on the non conventional grooming I'm still trying to stop it.  I think it's weird!

That quirk aside, Rameses has been a brilliant addition to the house.  My kids are in love and so am I.  My husband?  He still claims he's not a cat person.  I know that's not true, but I let him say it.

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