Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Curls: The Before Shot

I was wandering through Target the other evening (a very exciting place to be when you're alone, even if I can't quite put my finger on why that is... ) and came across pink foam curlers.  I was captivated.  Perhaps this is why I shouldn't shop late in the evening alone?

I never really did curlers as a kid besides rag curls for Easter; but for some reason these foam rollers called to me.  So I brought them home to my almost four year old.  :-)  Who was as pleasantly enthralled as I had hoped.

We tried putting her head under the faucet and wrapping all the hair this morning, and then pulling out the blow dryer.  Apparently these things take more than 10 minutes to dry (oops, my bad) even on fine hair... we had to scratch take one so we could make it to our park play date on time!  She was a good sport about it though.

We're trying again tonight.  Fresh bath and we're going to leave them in all night.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.  No matter how this experiment turns out it was already a hit, as Genevieve seems to think the curlers in hair is quite the fashion statement.  She asked if she could wear them like this all day.

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