Friday, April 17, 2015

New Swords!!

Last Christmas I purchased too many gifts for the children, so I saved the swords for later gifting. Today seemed like a good day to pull them out. The children have all been sick for weeks. We had a brief respite while the boys were attending their karate tournament (yeah!), but then the children (and opa) fell sick again. Jake skipped karate for a week when he came back. Bentley missed some days at karate, too. When they went back this week, they both said their muscles really ached holding the kata stances. Viva has been sick, but since she is switching gyms, her down time was easy to fit in. Evan has run a fever for days. Lincoln has been ill, but so far no croup!! (Last month we called the EMTs out one night because Lincoln had a severe croup attack unlike any we'd seen, but by the time they got here he was doing better.) We are so sick of being sick.

We needed an injection of fun into our house of illness. Lincoln and Evan (and Viva--as if she cares) received light-up, noise-making swords (the older boys have something similar already--see first photo below). Bentley and Jake received new, foam pirate swords (see second photo below). B was quite excited to get a new pirate sword. Jake stepped on his a few months ago and it broke. Bentley even changed out of his pajamas today, so he could dress as a pirate!

Evan played with his brothers, but then he wanted to show his sword off to his mom. Bentley went downstairs to show great-grandma his new pirate sword (and to get his pirate bandana and spyglass). He discovered his little brother had shown up there before him. Evan likes to visit great-grandma!

We know how to have fun on a Friday!

(PS It's only been two hours and Kara has banned the swords from the main floor. She says they are too noisy. Lincoln and Evan are back upstairs playing in my closet where it's dark.)

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