Saturday, May 09, 2015

Speedorz & Sand

The Speedorzes (Lego vehicles) did not go in the sand, but Speedorzes and sand have been enjoyed in our home this past month.

Lincoln got to pick out a new color of kinetic sand when we visited Michaels one afternoon. He chose blue. The older boys played with it for a short time.  

Jake really likes his Lego Speedorz which is meant to be used in races with other Speedorz. Bentley won't usually indulge Jake, so I finally decided to purchase Lincoln his own Speedorz so he could race against Jake. Opa found a two pack online, so we had an extra Speedorz which I gave to Viva. She was excited about it which surprised me. I didn't give the second Speedorz to Evan because I didn't think he would not be able to pull the plastic rip cord, but of course he can. He and Viva share the ice Speedorz. 

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